A dispatch service that makes sense.
There's a lot of dispatch services out there for the independent truckers and owner operators, but there's nothing like Nkargo's dispatch service.
A dispatch service backed by a real trucking company and a real boker, with professional dispatchers that have the experience and tools to get the job done the best way possible and the knowledge to get you the best possible loads available. A dispatcher working for you full time without the salary and responsability, what could be better?
We're truckers, we know trucking and we know your needs, that is why we have designed a dispatch service that makes sense for any trucker and will keep you driving and making money instead of keeping you sitting doing paperwork and calls.
Low fee's, no contract, great service. Give us a call about it or send us a few lines on our contact form and we'll get in touch with you to start helping you work like the big guys.