Nkargo's FAQs
Here are the answers to the most commonly asked questions asked to us by our customer during the years. There might be more you want to know off course, please fell free to ask us about any transportation broker question you might have or any other logistics related question.
Where does Nkargo provide Service?
Nkargo offers transportation throughout all the continental United States and Canada. We are part of a huge network of agents and carriers so our purchasing power gets you the best market rates with the single best freight brokerage service in the industry.
How do you chose your carriers?
Our carrier go through a rigorous selection process. Our number one priority is to make sure you receive the best freight brokerage service and we recognize that we can only accomplish this if we work with great carriers. To be able to haul with us a carrier must have an impeccable record and also must meet the following:
1 Year minimum in business, both the carrier and the drivers
Satisfactory safety rating from the FMCSA (monitored 3 ways)
Up to date cargo insurance of minimum $100.000 (Most Freight Brokers only require $75.000)
Auto Liability Insurance of minimum $1.000.000
General Liability Insurance of minimum $1.000.000
We always have direct contact with the drivers, a driver we can’t talk to is a driver we will not use.
Relatively new equipment (not more than 5 years)
We also monitor each carrier authority, Insurance, Safety Ratings, etc. to make sure they are all up to date. But the main focus on this is long term relationship, we try to keep the carriers on our database happy, busy and profitable so the good ones stick around and become part of the family.
There’s more criteria but we wanted to give you an idea of the main items we look for, if you want to go into more details in any of them please ask you Nkargo Rep about it or let us know here, best transportation broker contact
Nkargo or Network FOB?
Nkargo is an authorized agent for Network FOB and one of the Elite agents in the network based on sales throughout the years. When you work with Nkargo you work with Network FOB.
Network FOB is one of the main transportation companies in the country since 1971, with a cross country network of transportation professionals ready to help with your transportation needs.
Are you a freight broker?
The practical answer is yes, that way every one understands what we do. The reality is, no, we are Freight Forwarders.
This means, we are so much more than your regular transportation brokers because we are licensed Freight Forwarders and a freight forwarder offers much more guarantees and peace of mind for you than a freight broker, more on that subject on the next question.
Can I get credit with Nkargo?
Sure thing, that’s what being a business partner means, just fill in this quick application, email it to your Nkargo Rep of fax it to 713-481-6223 and we’ll get you going on that.
What forms of payment does Nkargo take?
We receive Checks, Fax-Checks, ACH, Credit Cards and good old fashion cash.
Does Nkargo provide LTL service?
Yes we do, and not only for dry freight, we are experts in refrigerated ltl service in the USA and Canada. We understand the urgency and complications of this kind of service and we have mastered it close to perfection.
What is Double brokering and how do you protect from it?
Double-brokering is currently illegal and you would be surprised how many broker in the USA do it either on purpose or by ignorance.
Double-brokering occurs when a carrier agrees to transport a load then sub-contracts it out to another carrier for the actual delivery. This is dangerous for both the customer and the initial broker. A customer who has entrusted their goods to a company they know now has no idea who is handling their products. The initial broker also is in the dark about the carrier actually hauling the load and they can still be held liable if something goes wrong. In turn the Shipper is liable for paying the transportation to the actual carrier that moved the load so if the double-broker does not cover it the shipper might end up paying twice for the transportation service.
There’s multiple ways to ensure double brokering does not happen on any load we handle and our dispatchers are experts at it. From making sure the truck picking up is the correct one and not an impostor to making sure payments go directly to the driver contracted and making sure we operate only on the phone numbers filed by the carrier with the FMCSA, etc. We know how to keep you safe 100% of the time and if you are not using Nkargo, please ask your broker how they make sure this does not happen to them with one of your loads. Especially if you work with one of the big well known top brokers in the country I know some of them fail miserably on this area.
Why is it better to work with a Freight forwarder and not a freight broker?
There are multiple differences and they all benefit the end customer, but to better explain it I have gone to Mr. Tim Taylor, president of Network FOB for an in-depth explanation: Click here to read Freight Broker vs Freight Forwarder